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Business, Management and Economics Research

Online ISSN: 2412-1770
Print ISSN: 2413-855X

Quarterly Published (4 Issues Per Year)


Volume 4 Number 2 February 2018

Entrepreneurship Role in Sustainable Development in Nigeria: The Dangote Phenomenon

Authors: Grace Iyi Ibeenwo
Pages: 20-26
The study was carried out to explore the relationship between entrepreneurship and sustainable development in Nigeria based on the Dangote phenomenon. Entrepreneurship implicates the state of being an entrepreneur. The entrepreneurship process leads to employment generation and poverty reduction all of which help in sustainable development, which is the type of development that protects the environment, meets the current needs of society and also enables future generations to meet their own needs. Entrepreneurship is concerned with change because it is capable of creating opportunities and threats. The consequences of change may present viable business opportunities or render current products or services obsolete. Therefore, a meaningful entrepreneurship research must provide necessary information about successful entrepreneurs as a guide. The qualitative case study approach was employed for the study, empirical literature provided relevant information for analysis and it was found that entrepreneurship has significant positive relationship with sustainable development.

Predictability between the Number of Foreign Direct Investment Contracts and Actually Utilized Foreign Direct Investment in China

Authors: Chen Li
Pages: 15-19
Actually utilized foreign direct investment (AUFDI) and the number of FDI contracts are two indicators that could be used to assess the performance of foreign investments in an area. This paper mainly aims to investigate if these two statistical variables could be used to predict each other in the long run as well as in the short run. Data were monthly time series and spanned 2002-2016. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillips-Perron tests indicated two series were integrated of order one. Both the Engle-Granger and Johansen tests did not detect a cointegrating vector. Hence, the study constructed a first-differenced lagged vector-autoregression model, within which estimated short-term coefficients were statistically insignificant. Log AUFDI did not Granger cause log FDI contracts and vice versa. Therefore, changes in foreign investment contracts and changes in actually used foreign investment could not forecast each other either during a short term or a long term. This paper suggests that the market orientation in foreign investments is growing. For purposes of foreign investment statistics, while actually used foreign direct investment definitely measures the investment level, the contract number must be treated with care.